Architectural ensemble for body and mind health – modern design, welcoming atmosphere, professional amenities and equipment, alongside qualified trainers

The first impression we make about a place is responsible for the choices we will make later. We could even say, by the results obtained at the gym where we go. An organized, tidy and airy space, despite the multitude of appliances and equipment, strong natural lighting, will transmit rigor and professionalism to those who pass the threshold. Implicit and a state of well-being, optimism and confidence in the coaches and the process of internal and external transformation. Let’s not forget: “Healthy mind in healthy body”.

The interior design of any commercial space has the role to contribute, along with the other defining elements of the activity carried out, to the subtle transmission of the values, vision and message of a brand.

fitness room design

fitness room


Lights and shadows, mirrors and glossy ceilings, volumetric geometry – a dynamic space for an active life

The design, through its graphic elements, through chromatic and lighting, other details or varied effects, has the role to highlight certain aspects of the layout or even to transform the minuses of a room into real points of attraction.
Mirrors and glossy surfaces with deepening effect easily transform it into a generous and airy space, by simply eliminating the visual barriers, the volumetric geometry of the wall in the background completes the overall image with an increase of dynamism and vitality.

fitness room design


gym design