Women are mad after shopping. At least that’s the way men talk. But even they do not like shopping, when it comes to tiles, faience, parquet or wallpaper. Men, not so much.
I don’t know how many of you have not already had the opportunity to participate directly or indirectly in the next scenario worthy of being played on the stage of the National Theater. The heavy curtain of cherry velvet is off. The decor recreates the atmosphere of a DIY store, with exposure areas for tiles, faience and parquet, sanitary ware and accessories. From the ranks of the exhibit a he and a she appear, both with a dizzy and scattered figure.
” Say something, dear! the lady breaks silence, visibly annoyed by her husband’s lack of involvement.
“- Hello! tries a tormented smile with the hope of relaxing the atmosphere. ”
Which relaxing atmosphere? You say he pressed the wrong button. Because a verbal typhoon is triggered in the next second.
“- Normal. Why do I still expect you to be, even once, seriously involved and care about the well-being of our family? Always, I just have to do everything, make all the decisions myself, that at the end you still have comments that you don’t like, it’s not good, I always do just what I want. Here you go! Now you have the opportunity to choose! Look how many iles you have in front of you! Decide! Which we buy? ”
Even if she would hit him in his head, he could not have a more desperate figure than now. What to choose? There are dozens of floor tile patterns and other dozens of faience. Too similar or very different, as if none goes with the other. Dear God! What was wrong with him going through this chore?
The above scene can be rewritten in a completely different atmosphere, with other dialogues, between a he or a she (because this time it is no longer necessary to come both of them) and the designer who deals with their arrangement, according to a project they had previously worked on. The characters now are calm, relaxed and smiling, because this time, they know exactly what are looking for, like color, size, material or price. It’s just a matter of traveling to speciali stores to buy the necessary materials.
Do you recognize this image in reality? If not, we invite you to be the first to play the role of the satisfied customer, happy even, seeing his dream turning into reality and taking the contour with every new thing he has purchased for his home.